Leavenworth-Lansing Area

Chamber of Commerce

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Chamber of Commerce

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By Lauren Batchelor 06 Sep, 2024
Social media is becoming more and more frustrating, right? If you have used it to connect with your audience for ten years or so, you undoubtedly have seen crazy changes in your reach. If you’re new to the social media for business scene, reaching 2% of your audience probably feels pretty normal. But if you’re not reaching your audience, how are they going to know who you are and all the wonderful things your business can bring them? When it comes to building a loyal following, there are several things you can do. Ultimately, reach is still dependent on the platform’s algorithm, but every social media channel claims to respond to value. To reach more people, you need them to see you as providing valuable content they want to interact with. Here’s how you can start doing that. Get Your Business in Good Social Media Shape Before we get into strategy and posting ideas, it’s important to get your social media accounts in good shape. Make sure your profile is complete, up to date, and visually appealing. Use a high-quality profile picture and cover image. If you have a profile you are no longer using, don’t just leave it languishing. Add a few posts to it about where you are posting now. An image post or funny video can help people who find you on one platform, locate you on another. Use analytics tools to understand where you are now. Identify what types of content resonate most with your audience. Check when they are most active. Use that to influence your posting content and scheduling. As you change your posting, track your progress to see what’s working. Finally, keep up with the latest social media best practices and algorithm changes. They are always evolving changing. Now, let’s talk about content. Start with a Strong Content Strategy We all know stories about how a video went viral, but for business you need to develop a strong and consistent strategy that revolves around dependable and valuable content. If something goes viral, awesome. But don’t count on it as part of your content strategy any more than you would see buying a lottery ticket every week as a way to fund retirement. When creating a social media content strategy for business, you want: High-Quality Content. The foundation of your social media presence is compelling and valuable content. Post images, videos (this is a must), and text that resonate with your target audience. Consistency: Develop a content calendar to help plan and schedule your posts. Post regularly to stay top-of-mind with your audience. Consistency is key to becoming top of mind. Sometimes consistency can even trump value in the short term. For instance, there was an author on TikTok who created some of the most boring videos I have ever seen—speaking in a monotone about the details of everything she did every morning. She posted with the regularity that some people reach for their morning coffee. Darn if she didn’t grow a massive following on consistency alone. Every morning, there she was. And in the same way you might find yourself staring out the window in a daze while you make coffee, I watched her videos. Variety: Mix up your content formats to keep things interesting. Try using images, videos, carousels, live streams, stories, and polls. But…keep to your branding so that people will know it’s you immediately. Value: Offer educational, entertaining, or inspirational content that provides value to your followers.  Engage The algorithms base their determination of valuable content on what people are interacting with. That means you must motivate them to go from a passive state of watching (or reading) to an active pursuit of commenting. That’s not always easy, but here are some best practices you can implement: Respond to Comments and Messages as soon as possible. Show you value your commenter’s interaction. When appropriate, ask them questions in the comments. This will help continue the conversation. Speaking of… Ask Questions and Run Polls: Encourage conversations and participation by asking questions and conducting polls. Stickers are an engaging way to do this on Stories. Use Interactive Features: Utilize features like live streams, Stories, and Q&As to connect with your followers in real-time. Facebook, for one, notifies your followers when you go live. Community Building: Foster a sense of community by sharing user-generated content. If someone posts a picture of your products or a review, share it and thank them. Get More Views Again, the algorithm has a lot to do with how many people see your content. Just because you post does not mean it will be seen. Recently, Instagram seems to be showing more content to non-followers than followers. Here are ways you can build on that: Cross-Promotion. Promote your social media accounts on your website, email signature, newsletter, and other marketing materials. Make sure everyone who does business with you (or is researching your business) knows where to find you on social media. Hashtags. Use relevant hashtags to help people discover your content. Research popular and trending hashtags in your industry and community. Speaking of trending, it’s okay to try a little… Bandwagoning. Jumping on the bandwagon (or posting about something that’s trending or using trending music) is a good way to get new eyes on your content. It may feel a little insincere at first and out of line with your business, but if you do it in a fun way, it can show a lighter side of your personality and help people feel more connected to you. Collaborations. Partner with influencers or other businesses in your niche or town to reach a wider audience. Do interviews, videos, social media posting battles, and other collaborations to get attention. Talk to your chamber. They may be able to help introduce you to the perfect business partner. Check out this “ sign war ,” which made it out of the social media trenches and onto a local TV station. Building a loyal following takes time and effort. Be patient, consistent, and focused on providing value to your audience, and you'll see your interactions grow over time. ------------- Christina Metcalf is a writer/ghostwriter who believes in the power of story. She works with small businesses, chambers of commerce, and business professionals who want to make an impression and grow a loyal customer/member base. She loves road trips, hates exclamation points, and is largely disappointed in the ongoing changes to algorithms. _______________________________________ Medium: @christinametcalf
03 Sep, 2024
Foster a growth mindset in high achievers by sharing stories of failure as a learning tool and encouraging them to face hypothetical leadership challenges. Develop emotional intelligence in leaders through regular feedback sessions, focusing on understanding their own and others' emotions. Expand networks and influence by introducing high achievers to new contacts, encouraging participation in industry events, and employing the “24/7/30 model” for follow-ups to build lasting relationships. Use these strategies to mentor top performers effectively, driving innovation and excellence in your business while fostering an environment that promotes growth, resilience, and leadership. 555 words ~ 1.5 min. read As a small business owner or team leader, mentoring high achievers within your team can significantly enhance their potential and ultimately drive your business forward. A recent article in Harvard Business Review by leadership experts Ruth Gotian and Andy Lopata highlights the necessity of sophisticated mentoring for high achievers, offering three effective strategies to ensure top performers flourish. Read on to learn more about how to help your best and brightest reach their full potential. Foster a Growth Mindset Encouraging a growth mindset is crucial for high achievers. As Gotian and Lopata explain, highly successful individuals are less familiar with failure and may struggle with setbacks. Helping these leaders understand that there are lessons available ‘failing forward,’ can help them use failure to their advantage. Gotian and Lopata offer two crucial strategies for fostering a growth mindset among high achievers. First, they suggest sharing narratives of other elite performers who have encountered setbacks and their strategies for overcoming them. Secondly, they recommend engaging leaders in discussions about hypothetical challenging scenarios, such as adapting to abrupt changes in their field. These discussions are instrumental in helping high achievers perceive challenges and failures as opportunities for growth, aligning with their innate drive for improvement. Develop Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a vital skill for leaders, particularly in small business environments where interpersonal relationships are foundational. As a mentor, Gotian and Lopata recommend helping high achievers gain insights into their emotions as well as those of others. Regular feedback sessions can help in this area by providing structured opportunities for self-reflection. Discuss specific instances where their emotional responses influenced outcomes, in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of their leadership style and interactions with colleagues. This focus can be particularly beneficial for those less inclined towards techniques like journaling or meditation. Expand Networks and Influence A strong network is crucial for high achievers aiming to expand their success.Often, these individuals have established connections but may overlook key relationships that could enhance their success. As a mentor, you can play a pivotal role in identifying these blind spots. Facilitate introductions to new contacts, including thought leaders and innovators from various sectors. Encouraging attendance at industry conferences or participation in cross-industry collaborations can yield fresh insights and broaden horizons. A practical approach to maintaining these new connections is utilizing what Gotian and Lopata call the “24/7/30 model” for follow-ups. This approach provides a straightforward template for individuals to reach out 24 hours after meeting, again after 7 days, and once more after 30 days. This simple strategy helps turn fleeting encounters into lasting relationships, which can be instrumental in developing long-term relationships and networks that can help top performers grow. The Takeaway Mentoring top performers needs a smart approach. The HBR article points out that using techniques to develop a growth mindset, improve emotional intelligence, and widen networks can help these individuals—and your business—achieve more. The main aim of mentorship is to motivate and back up your team leaders, helping them keep up their success and grow into leaders who can drive innovation and excellence. By putting these methods into practice, small business owners can create a setting that encourages growth, toughness, and leadership, making a big difference in their company's long-term success and survival. --- The Leavenworth-Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike. The Chamber has been granted license to publish this content provided by Chamber Today, a service of ChamberThink Strategies LLC.
30 Aug, 2024
Does your business seem to be a revolving door of employees? If so, there are several reasons why that could be true that have nothing to do with your business itself. It could be the nature of your industry. Some industries are seasonal or attract a more nomadic employee base that tends to wander. It could also be a problem with one of your managers or supervisors. Perhaps, it’s a lack of growth opportunities. If you’re shaking your head thinking, “No, that’s not it,” and you’re wondering what it could be for your business, The 2024 Intuit QuickBooks Allstate Health Solutions Benefits Survey may provide some answers. The survey of 1,000 employees from both small and large companies reveals just how important employee benefits packages are in today's competitive job market. Here’s a summary of the key findings: Benefits Have a Large Impact on Employee Retention and Hiring With the costs of medical care these days, it’s not shocking to learn that 78% of the employees polled would consider finding a new job if their current benefits package was inadequate. Healthcare benefits rank as the second most important factor, after salary, when considering job offers. It suffices to say, if your business doesn’t provide healthcare benefits, you could be losing employees. It’s also difficult to become an employer of choice without offering healthcare. But there’s more to employee benefits than just offering them. What they cost is also now a deciding factor in selecting an employer. Employee Cost of Benefits Even with a benefits program in place, 23% of employees struggle to afford their employer-provided benefits. A majority of workers polled (62% at smaller companies and 66% at larger companies) believe their monthly contributions are too high, especially given rising inflation and interest rates. Sadly, 71% of workers at small companies and 63% at larger companies have difficulty saving for long-term goals due to medical costs. This issue disproportionately affects women, with over a quarter reporting significant financial setbacks (due to medical costs) compared to 18% of men. What Benefits Employees Want Okay, so benefits are important but what exactly do employees want? Nearly 60% of employees want options, including HMOs, PPOs, and FSAs. But healthcare isn’t the only thing that makes a benefits package attractive. 50% of employees at small companies and 61% at larger companies desire supplemental benefits such as dental, vision, mental health, and pet insurance. If pet insurance surprises you, you should know that since 2018, the number of insured pets in the U.S. has increased by nearly 23% annually, with approximately 5.4 million policies active as of 2022, according to the North American Pet Health Insurance Association. The Link of Benefits to Job Satisfaction and Productivity As you might expect after reading this far, benefits are a large consideration in taking a job but benefits also tie into job satisfaction. The survey found that over 90% of employees at both small and large companies connect their job satisfaction to their benefits package. A substantial majority indicate that inadequate medical coverage could negatively affect their work productivity. Laurent Sellier of Intuit QuickBooks emphasized that maintaining competitive and affordable benefits packages is vital for employee retention in the current economic climate. She said, “Our research shows that employees are placing higher value on health benefits when it comes to their job satisfaction, but many are finding it difficult to manage benefits costs in today’s economic climate. For that reason, maintaining competitive benefits packages at an affordable price is vital to employee retention.” While benefits are an added cost for businesses, not providing them could impact employee productivity, satisfaction, and retention. It’s not an easy call as you’re considering your offerings but this survey underlines how important benefits are to employees regardless of the size of your business. ----------- Christina Metcalf is a writer/ghostwriter who believes in the power of story. She works with small businesses, chambers of commerce, and business professionals who want to make an impression and grow a loyal customer/member base. She loves road trips, hates exclamation points, and is currently reading three books at once. _______________________________________ Medium: @christinametcalf Facebook: @tellyourstorygetemtalking Instagram: @christinametcalfauthor LinkedIn: @christinagsmith
26 Aug, 2024
The FTC has banned fake reviews and the use of bots to ensure transparency in online reviews, requiring businesses to disclose any material connections with reviewers. New guidelines prohibit businesses from posting false or misleading reviews and mandate that incentivized reviews must be clearly disclosed to consumers. These regulations aim to protect consumers from fraud and foster a fairer digital marketplace, benefiting both consumers and honest businesses. Small businesses can thrive by focusing on genuine customer feedback, engaging with their audience, and sharing authentic customer-generated content to build trust and credibility.  689 words ~ 3.5 min. read The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has made an important move to ensure transparency and honesty in online reviews by banning deceptive practices that manipulate consumer opinions. This ban focuses on fake reviews and the use of bots to create false endorsements, requiring businesses to disclose any material connections with the reviewers. As small businesses increasingly use social media for marketing, this regulation will significantly impact their operations. The FTC has banned fake reviews and the use of bots to tackle concerns about consumer deception and the loss of trust in online marketplaces. As e-commerce and digital marketing grow, misleading reviews can skew consumer perceptions and lead to poor purchasing decisions. This regulation aims to protect consumers from fraud that can hurt their interests and damage the reputation of honest businesses. The ultimate goal is to create a fairer and more transparent digital marketplace, where genuine feedback and honest endorsements can flourish, benefiting consumers and reputable businesses alike. What the Rules Entail Under the new FTC guidelines, businesses can't post reviews or testimonials they know are false or misleading. If they hire third parties to generate reviews, those reviews must also follow FTC standards. If a review is incentivized—like when someone is paid or given free products—the business must clearly disclose this to consumers. Not following these rules can result in hefty penalties, including fines and damage to reputation. All five FTC commissioners unanimously approved the final rule, which will go into effect 60 days after it's published in the Federal Register , the official government source for rules and notifications. Generally, these rules are published shortly after approval, so consumers should expect the FTC's fake-review ban to start in mid-October. Impact on Small Businesses Using Social Media The new FTC regulations help small business owners by encouraging honest competition, which allows them to build credibility and attract customers more effectively on social media. With the ban on fake reviews, businesses should focus on getting genuine customer feedback and creating a loyal community around their brand. This transparency can boost trust and credibility, helping to draw in more customers in the competitive digital landscape. Adjusting marketing strategies to follow these regulations will enable small businesses to succeed authentically instead of relying on misleading practices. Three Ways to Build an Honest Following Encourage Real Customer Testimonials: Small businesses should ask happy customers to share their experiences on social media and review sites. Reviews listed on your Google Business Profile are one of the most reliable and powerful places to send your loyal fans. This can be done through follow-up emails after a purchase, prompting customers to leave feedback. Highlighting these genuine testimonials boosts credibility and shows a commitment to customer satisfaction, which can attract future customers. Engage with Customers Quickly: It's important for small businesses to actively engage with customers on social media to build loyalty. They should respond promptly to comments, messages, and reviews, whether they are positive or negative. By acknowledging feedback and showing a willingness to address concerns, businesses can create a sense of community and trust. This interaction signals to potential customers that the business values their opinions and is committed to providing a good experience. Share Customer-Generated Content: Encouraging customers to share their own content, like photos and stories featuring the brand's products, adds authenticity and helps to grow an engaged following. Small businesses can create unique hashtags and run campaigns to motivate users to post their content. By sharing this customer-generated content on their own channels, businesses can showcase real customers enjoying their products and strengthen the sense of community among followers. The Takeaway The recent FTC regulations are a vital step toward fostering a more honest and transparent online marketplace. By promoting genuine customer feedback and discouraging misleading practices, these guidelines protect consumers and support small businesses in a digital world that values authenticity. As entrepreneurs adapt their marketing strategies to comply with these new rules, they can strengthen customer connections, enhance their reputations, and contribute to a fairer online environment built on trust. Embracing this change will enable businesses to thrive by focusing on real relationships and delivering genuine value to their communities. --- The Leavenworth-Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike. The Chamber has been granted license to publish this content provided by Chamber Today, a service of ChamberThink Strategies LLC.
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Chamber Member Monthly Spotlight:

Ken's Garage

Website: Kensgarage1.com

Phone Number: 913.675.4205

Serving Leavenworth Since 1978!

Ken’s Garage is a premier auto repair center in Leavenworth, Kansas. We’ve been serving our community since 1978, offering a full range of auto repairs and maintenance services with highly trained, ASE Certified technicians. With a combined 150 years of experience in the industry, our team has mastered everything automotive. Each person on our team specializes in different repairs and services for all makes and models to ensure every vehicle system is covered. Whether your car needs brake service, electrical work, or exhaust fabrication, our experts can provide high-quality counsel and repairs!

The Chamber

Whether you are opening a business, moving to the area or just visiting - the Leavenworth Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce is a great place to start!

Visit Our Nation's Future and Past

The spirit of America runs through Leavenworth, Lansing, and the surrounding communities. We are home to Fort Leavenworth, one of the oldest military installations in the U.S, and rich in history as one of the most important gateways to the exploration and settlement of the west. Today, we offer a variety of shopping, dining and hometown charm.

Starting a Business

The Leavenworth-Lansing area is a community that fosters and cultivates new and growing businesses. Along with the Chamber’s advocacy, networking, facilitation and education, there are dozens of resources to help your business connect, grow and succeed:

Do Business with a Chamber Member business and help continue the economic growth of our community.

Give Back:

The Chamber promotes community involvement with civic organizations, providing an opportunity to give back to the community and gain experience in a variety of areas. Community service offers valuable gifts and resources to both parties, connecting community members and making a difference in society. Leavenworth-Lansing area Chamber members who provide these opportunities are numerous and diverse. Link to Civic Organizations

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