Navigating the Uncertainty of New Ideas: Building Consensus in the Workplace

Sep 23, 2024
  • Innovation is crucial for competitive advantage, but new ideas often face resistance due to differing perceptions and a lack of shared evaluation standards among decision-makers.
  • Research shows that novel ideas encounter increased perceived risk when team members have varying opinions on their value, leading to reduced support.
  • Establishing shared criteria for evaluating new ideas can reduce subjectivity, facilitate constructive discussions, and align teams toward common goals.
  • Clear evaluation frameworks help manage diverse perspectives without chaos, promoting an environment where innovative ideas can thrive.
  • Practical steps for leaders include holding pre-evaluation sessions to agree on criteria, understanding team perspectives, and implementing a scoring system for objective assessments.

670 words ~ 3.5 min. read

Innovation is often viewed as essential for gaining a competitive edge, but new ideas frequently face pushback within organizations. Research indicates that the uniqueness of an idea can lead to rejection because of perceived risks. Recently, it's become clear that there's a bigger issue: decision-makers often lack shared standards for assessing the value of an innovation. This disconnect causes differing views on the potential success of new ideas, which ultimately stifles innovation efforts. It’s important to address this disconnect, as bringing decision-makers together on standards can create a more supportive environment for innovation, driving progress and helping maintain a competitive edge.

Diverging Perceptions Make Innovation Feel Risky

A recent study shows that the more novel an idea is, the more opinions differ about its potential value, which can become a risk factor. When team members perceive the same idea very differently, the perceived risk associated with the innovation increases. As a result, people are less likely to support it—not because the idea is flawed, but due to a lack of shared understanding of its benefits or drawbacks.

Researchers found that differing views on an idea's potential create a psychological barrier to support, especially without a common framework for discussion. In these cases, decision-makers may rely on personal biases or past experiences, leading to the rejection of potentially groundbreaking ideas. This underscores the need for open dialogue and a shared understanding within teams so that innovative ideas receive the evaluation they deserve, rather than being dismissed too early.

The Importance of Shared Criteria for Evaluating Ideas


One main point from this research is the need for shared criteria when assessing new ideas. Without a common framework, discussions about innovation can become scattered and unproductive. When team members view an idea from different perspectives, it can lead to debates that focus more on defending personal opinions instead of objectively evaluating the idea.

To address this issue, leaders and teams should create clear and agreed-upon criteria for evaluating new ideas, which brings several benefits:

  • Reduces Subjectivity: With a standardized set of criteria, teams are less likely to let personal biases or gut feelings influence evaluations. Discussions focus on measurable and relevant factors like market potential, feasibility, alignment with strategic goals, and the idea's ability to solve problems.
  • Facilitates Constructive Discussions: Clear criteria allow discussions to center on how well an idea meets specific standards instead of arguing about the idea's validity. This approach fosters more productive conversations that can help improve an idea rather than dismissing it too soon.
  • Encourages Diverse Input Without Chaos: Different perspectives are essential for innovation, but they must be managed effectively. Using clear evaluation criteria can help organize diverse ideas within a team by providing a common language and framework for discussion, reducing confusion and encouraging constructive feedback.
  • Aligns Teams Around a Common Goal: When everyone understands what makes a "good idea" based on shared goals and criteria, it's easier to support new concepts. This alignment is essential for creating an innovative culture where new ideas are not only generated but also actively promoted and effectively implemented.

Practical Steps to Build Consensus on Innovation Evaluation

To create a more unified approach to evaluating new ideas, implement the following strategies:

  • Hold Pre-Evaluation Sessions: Bring the team together to agree on evaluation criteria aligned with strategic objectives and innovation goals.
  • Use a Scoring System: Implement a scoring system to objectively rate each idea based on the agreed criteria, making comparisons easier.
  • Emphasize Psychological Safety: Foster an environment where team members feel safe to share diverse opinions, allowing for fair assessment of ideas.

Bottom Line

The journey from coming up with ideas to putting them into action can be uncertain, especially with new concepts. However, teams can manage this uncertainty better by setting up a common framework to evaluate new ideas. By agreeing on clear criteria, organizations can reduce perceived risks and foster a more inclusive and dynamic culture of innovation. The key to overcoming fear of the unknown is building consensus and trust, allowing teams to confidently embrace new ideas with clear strategies.



The Leavenworth-Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike. The Chamber has been granted license to publish this content provided by Chamber Today, a service of ChamberThink Strategies LLC. 

21 Oct, 2024
If you ask anyone over the age of 20 what the date is, after telling you, they will probably say you how quickly time flies. How it seems like only yesterday it was _____. This is especially true when you own a business. There never seems to be enough time in the day to do what you need to do. And you no sooner pay one bill than it’s due again. Making the most of the time you have is essential to business success. But how do you beat the clock? When you’re responsible for the entire business, how do you ensure you have the time to be your most effective? The first answer to this question is delegation, of course. You can’t do “all the things,” but assuming you have a solid team you can count on, here are four management focus and productivity tips to help regain some of that control over your lost time. 1. Define a "Win" Instead of getting lost in daily tasks, define what progress looks like for the week by listing 3-5 key goals. Create a “Weekly Win” card (on paper or electronically—wherever you will most likely use it) to keep the focus on the most meaningful accomplishments for that week. Be specific about what makes it a “win.” For instance, if your win is lining up a new vendor for your operation, don’t focus on the number of calls you’ll need to make to find one. Focus on the outcome such as “A caterer by end of week and a cost savings of 2% over the last one.” 2. Maintain Energy Awareness Burnout is often due to energy-draining activities. Track your energy level for the day (or, even better, week) and compare it to your calendar. What were you doing when you were most energized? What zapped you of energy? Take that information and do your best to eliminate energy draining tasks. Assign those tasks to someone who is energized by them. (Think introvert versus extrovert. We aren’t all drained by the same types of activities.) If you must complete those tasks yourself, either modify them to be less draining, or sandwich them in between tasks that invigorate you. 3. Use a Daily Management Sprint Allocate 30-60 minutes late in the day to tackle low-value administrative tasks or better yet find an AI that can do them for you. Administrative tasks rarely require heavy mental lifting so saving them for the end of the day is a great way to be more efficient. Save your mental capacity for heavier loads earlier in the day. 4. Invest in a Vision Spend 30 minutes daily on activities that build a better future, such as reading, learning a new skill, or working on a project. It’s easy to do this over your morning coffee or lunch. Consistent effort can lead to significant long-term progress toward attaining your professional vision. These four managerial activities can help you make better use of your time and increase your productivity. At first glance, the tasks may seem simplistic, but that’s why they work. They help us increase our presence, focus on goals, and eliminate things that are clogging up productivity and weighing down our plate. ------ Christina Metcalf is a writer/ghostwriter who believes in the power of story. She works with small businesses, chambers of commerce, and business professionals who want to make an impression and grow a loyal customer/member base. She loves road trips, hates exclamation points, and is currently booking speaking engagements for her new book about pursuing dreams entitled The Glinda Principle. _______________________________________ Medium: @christinametcalf Facebook: @tellyourstorygetemtalking Instagram: @christinametcalfauthor LinkedIn: @christinagsmith
16 Oct, 2024
How to Be More Engaging If you want more views on your business content, you don’t have to be a celebrity (although that makes things a lot easier). All you have to do is help your audience get to know you, and by doing so, humanize your business. Some people are gifted engagers. They naturally know how to get people interested in their stuff. But for most of us, it’s a learned activity. If you’re not a born engager, here are five things you can do to improve your business content. 5 Engaging Content Tips First, you don’t have to share everything about your life, but opening up to your audience can go a long way in helping them know, like, and trust you. It may feel awkward sharing something that has nothing to do with your business, but if you’re talking about a part of you, like your dreams and your struggles, people will identify with you and that increases the draw of your content. Sharing the Challenges My neighbor has an e-commerce wellness business. She was recently hit hard by Hurricane Helene. She lost the bottom floor of her home and all her products. Instead of hiding that from her audience, she has shared it in spades. Through live videos every day since the hurricane, she has documented her struggles and her triumphs, her bad times and her blessings. Her audience has been very responsive and when she’s back up and running, I have no doubt they will support the rebuilding of her business. She showed her audience her humanity and they have laughed and cried with her. For the Love of the Team Another thing you can share are the triumphs and tribulations of your favorite team, whether that’s your favorite pro, college, or little ones’ team. Don’t be concerned that if you show a love for “State” that you’ll alienate the “University of” crowd. After all, your sports enemies may get a kick out of teasing you after a loss. Showing the Love If you feel comfortable with it—and they support you doing so—share info about your family. People love to know you have family and friends. “Family” includes your pets. If you show the love, your audience will see you in a new light and feel a greater connection with you. Once Upon a Time We all started somewhere. Sometimes beginnings are comical, and we can barely believe we’ve made it as far as we have. Other times there are serious lessons to be shared. Talk about your origin story. How did you get to where you are? Full Team Ahead In addition to sharing stories and information about yourself, get your team involved. Encourage them to tell their stories as well as share their favorites. By helping your audience get to know you, they’ll see your business as something more than just a money maker. When your business is competing on prices alone, it’s a slippery slope to the bottom cost. When they support you for a reason other than you being the cheapest in town, you’ll have more loyal customers as well. Finally, it’s best to share this engaging content in the medium that you feel the most comfortable with and the form(s) you’ll stick to. That being said, video is one of the best ways to show your humanity and help people identify with you. If you’re not currently doing video, it may be the difference between a lukewarm following and one that takes off. ---------- Christina Metcalf is a writer/ghostwriter who believes in the power of story. She works with small businesses, chambers of commerce, and business professionals who want to make an impression and grow a loyal customer/member base. She loves road trips, hates exclamation points, and really dislikes this hurricane season so far. _______________________________________ Medium: @christinametcalf Facebook: @tellyourstorygetemtalking Instagram: @christinametcalfauthor LinkedIn: @christinagsmith
15 Oct, 2024
Growing digital privacy concerns lead homeowners to blur their houses on Google Maps to protect their personal information and enhance security against potential threats. Blurring homes helps public figures and individuals wishing to maintain a low profile avoid unwanted recognition and attention. While blurring can safeguard privacy, it may inadvertently attract more curiosity and limit the usefulness of maps for emergency responders and delivery services. 562 words ~ 2 min. As digital privacy concerns grow, more people are realizing how their personal information is used and stored online. One specific privacy issue gaining attention is the visibility of homes on Google Maps. In this article, we discuss why some homeowners are choosing to blur their houses on this popular platform, important drawbacks to consider, and what to do if you choose to protect your privacy on Google Maps. Privacy Concerns For many, the primary motivation behind blurring their homes on Google Maps stems from a desire for increased privacy. The detailed imagery available on Google Street View can offer an uncomfortably close look at private residences, potentially exposing the layout and structure of one's home to anyone with internet access. This visibility could pose security risks, making some homeowners feel vulnerable to theft or unwanted attention. Avoiding Unwanted Recognition In addition to security concerns, there are instances where individuals may not want their homes to be easily recognizable on a global platform. This is particularly true for public figures or individuals who wish to maintain a low profile due to personal reasons. By blurring their homes, they can prevent easy identification by onlookers or fans. Potential Problems Blurring your house on Google Maps might seem like a harmless way to protect your privacy, but experts warn of potential problems that could arise. One concern is that it may inadvertently draw more attention to your property, as curious individuals may wonder why it’s blurred and attempt to investigate further. Additionally, blurring can limit the usefulness of the map for emergency responders who rely on accurate locations during critical situations or create confusion for expected deliveries. As you weigh your options, factor these potential outcomes in your decision. How to Blur Your Home on Google Maps If you've decided to blur your home on Google Maps, the process is relatively straightforward. Follow these steps to ensure your residence remains private: Access Google Maps: Navigate to Google Maps in your web browser. Locate Your Home: Use the search function to find your home's address and switch to Street View. Enter Street View: Click on the image of your home to enter Street View mode. Report a Problem: In the bottom right corner of the screen, click on "Report a problem." Request Blurring: A new page will appear with options to blur your house. Use the red box to select the area you wish to blur, which can be adjusted to cover your entire property. Submit the Request: After making your selection, complete the required fields at the bottom of the page and submit your request. Once processed, Google will review your request and make the necessary changes, permanently blurring your home from Street View imagery. The Takeaway As concerns about digital privacy continue to rise, homeowners are increasingly considering the implications of their visibility on platforms like Google Maps. Blurring one’s home can provide a sense of security and privacy, especially for those who value their personal space or are public figures. However, it’s essential to weigh the potential drawbacks, such as increased curiosity and the impact on emergency services. If protecting your privacy on Google Maps aligns with your needs, the straightforward blurring process can help you maintain that desired level of confidentiality. Ultimately, informed decisions about your online presence will help you navigate the balance between privacy and visibility in our digital age. --- The Leavenworth-Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike. The Chamber has been granted license to publish this content provided by Chamber Today, a service of ChamberThink Strategies LLC.
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